Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Choctaw Food And Climate

The Choctaw tribe ate different types of bread. To drink they had hickory milk and water. In hunting season they had fresh meat such as wild turkey, bear, and fish from rivers. Choctaws were kind of like farmers and gatherers because they planted crops and then gathered them when they were big enough to be eaten. Some of the crops were corn, beans, and squash. They also had pumpkins, eggs, and salt. With some of the food such as squash, corn, beans, pumpkin, and turkey, they made soups and stews. Whenever they cooked, they would cook in pots. They made cornmeal and cornbread from the corn that they gathered. A lot of the time gathering the crops was a job for the children to do because the men had to hunt and the women had to cook.

The Choctaw tribe had a marshy land. It also rained so much. In the Winter it was cold and in the Summer it was hot. It was also sometimes humid in the Summer. It rained a lot. Some Native Americans had to stay inside their cabins to stay dry because of how much it rained. The Choctaw tribe may have liked the rain because it helped the crops that they were growing grow faster and that helped them get more food. It was cloudy and windy sometimes. Sometimes it was sunny and when it was sunny it was usually in the Summer.

These are Emily Barney's photos. Thank you!           This is Fabio Manini's photo. Thank you!

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